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ぬー⁠が 要りゆー?
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speakerぬーwhatis 要りゆー(it that you) need {いりゆー}?

speakerオスカーOscaris clothing {ふく}'s町屋store {まちや}んかいin/at うぅん(exists)
speakerあれーhe/she is ありhe/she's生徒student {しーとぅ}calledザリーZari 見かきーんsees/spots {んーかきーん} あれーhe/she is 町屋store {まちや}うぅてぃat/in 働っちょーんworking {あがっちょーん}
Oscar sees Zari working in a store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerザリーZari! 見ちきてぃsee/find (you) {んーんちきてぃ}ゆたさたん(I am) happy/glad (to)!
headspeakerうきみそーちーgood morning!
headspeaker何かwhat/something (formal) {なんか} う探いsearching (for) (formal) {うとぅめーい}やいびーがさい(are you) (formal)?
Zari asks Oscar if he…
  • …wants her job.
  • …knows what time it is.
  • …needs help.
headspeakerうーyes にふぇーでーびるthank you まーwhere
headspeakerあーoh 解たん(I) know/understand {わかたん}! 新さるnew {みーさる} ジャケット(a) jacketis 要りゆー(you) need {いりゆー}やるやー(is the fact right?)!
Choose the option that means "know."
! ジャケット ⁠やるやー!
speakerザリーZariis/has ジャケット(a) jacket 持っちholds/brings {むっち}来ゅーんcomes {ちゅーん}
headspeakerうぅーうぅーno ザリZari ジャケットjacket 要らん(I don't) need {いらん}
headspeakerあーoh 新さるnew シャツ(a) shirtis 要りゆー(you) need {いりゆー}やるやー(is the fact right?)
Zari thinks Oscar needs a new…
  • …house.
  • …hat.
  • …shirt.
headspeaker緑ー(the) green (one) is {みどれー} うちゃーやびーんlooks good on (you)!
headspeakerあらんどーno (it's not)/(it's) different ザリZari うにげーさびらplease
headspeakerシャツ(a) shirt要らん(I) don't need ジャケットa jacket要らん(I) don't need まーwhere
headspeaker八巻a hat {はちまち}! 八巻(a) hat {はちまち}is 要りゆー(you) need {いりゆー}やるやー(is the fact right?)
headspeakerうぅーうぅーno! ザリZari clothes {ふく} 要らん(I don't) need {いらん}!
headspeaker知いぶさる(I) want to know {しいぶさる}事ー(the) thing is {くとー}...
headspeaker手水ー(the) bathroom is {ちゅーじぇー} まーwhere?
Why did Oscar go into the clothing store?
  • He needed to find a restroom.
  • He wanted to buy pants, a shirt, and a jacket.
  • He wanted to buy a new jacket for Zari.
Tap the pairs