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speakerPastanethe bakery

speakerEmrahEmrah veand VildanVildan, Vikram'ato Vikram pastanelerinitheir bakery gösteriyorlardırthey are showing.
headspeakerPastanemizlewith our bakery ilgilenenthat are interested birçok kişimany people varthere are. Mükemmelexcellent bir fiyatato a price satıyoruz we are selling (it at)
headspeakerÇünkübecause boşanıyoruzwe are getting divorced.
headspeakerAhoh, geçmiş olsunsorry to hear that.
Hmm why does Vikram say he's sorry?
  • Emrah and Vildan are getting divorced.
  • No one wants to buy the bakery.
  • Vikram wants to get divorced.
headspeakerVildanVildan! Herkeseto everyone söylemento you telling gerekmiyor is not needed
headspeakerHadicome on, EmrahEmrah, gerçekthe truth bu(is) this.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAh eh benime seçersenizif you choose, burayato here çok iyi bakacağımdanthat I'm going to take very good care emin olabilirsinizyou can rest assured
headspeakerVay bewow! Şuthis fırınoven harika(is) great!
What comes next?
headspeakerEvetyes, bu fırındain this oven birçokmany kurabiyecookie pişirdikwe have baked.
  • bu küvettein this bathtub
  • dolabındain your closet
  • bu fırındain this oven
headspeakerOnlarınof them tadına baktımI have tasted, çok lezzetlilerthey are delicious.
headspeakerKurabiyeler içinfor the cookies buthis mikserimixer mi(question word) kullandınızdid you use?
headspeakerEvetyes, bir deand also Vildan'ınof Vildan en sevdiğiher favorite pastayıcake hazırlamak içinin order to prepare.
headspeakerAnneanneminof my grandmother tarifiydi it was her recipe
The recipe for Vildan's favorite cake came from…
  • Vikram.
  • Vildan's grandmother.
  • Emrah's mom.
headspeakerGerçektenreally iyigood bir takımmışsınızyou were a team gibi geliyorit seems banato me.
headspeakerEvetyes, haklısınyou are right.
headspeakerKatılıyorum I agree
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerVildan Vildan biraza little konuşabilir miyizcan we talk?
speakerVildanVildan veand EmrahEmrah ayrılırlarleave veand biraza little sonralater geri gelirlerthey come back.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerVikramVikram, EmrahEmrah veand benI karar verdik made a decision
headspeakerBoşanmamayanot to get divorced (question word) karar verdinizdid you decide?
What comes next?
headspeakerEh eh öylelike that değilit is not. Hâlâstill boşanıyoruzwe are getting divorced.
  • boşanıyoruzwe are getting divorced
  • hapşırıyoruzwe are sneezing
  • bağırıyoruzwe are screaming
headspeakerEvliliğimizour marriage bir felaket(is) a disaster.
headspeakerAmabut pastanemizour bakery harikais great!
headspeakerEh eh newhat diyorsunuzare you saying? Artıkanymore satmayacak mısınızare you not going to sell?
headspeakerDoğrucorrect, amabut kurabiyelercookies içinfor hepalways geri gelebilirsinyou can come back!
Why did Emrah and Vildan decide not to sell the bakery?
  • They don't think Vikram is good at baking.
  • They decided not to get divorced after all.
  • They realized their bakery is actually great.
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