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Bonos díes
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speakerBonos díesgood morning

headspeaker¡Bonos díesgood morning, PritiPriti!
headspeakerBonos díesgood morning, miomy amorlove.
headspeaker¿Óndewhere tanare lesthe miosmy llaveskeys?
headspeaker¿LesThe tosyour llaveskeys?
Priti can't find her keys
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakeryes, precisoI need dirto go alto trabayuwork.
Tap what you hear
headspeaker¡PrecisoI need les llavesthe keys delof miomy cochecar!
headspeaker¡Ḥaha, ḥaha! ¡PritiPriti, lesthe tosyour llaveskeys tánare equíhere enribaon de lathe mesatable! ¡Ḥaha, ḥaha, ḥaha!
headspeakerPerdónsorry, miomy amorlove, toiI am cansadatired. ¡TrabayoI work enformaa lot!
Choose the option that means "tired."
, mio amor, . ¡ enforma!
headspeaker¿Quiesdo you want una cafécoffee?
headspeaker¡yes, por favorplease!
headspeakerEquíhere tait is, miomy amorlove.
headspeaker¿Óndewhere tais l'azucrethe sugar? Ahoh, equíhere tait is.
Hmm… what is Priti doing?
  • pouring her coffee on the table
  • putting sugar on her keys
  • looking for some sugar for her coffee
speakerEllashe bebe'ldrinks soher cafécoffee.
headspeaker¡Ayoh, nonno!
headspeaker¿Quéwhat pasahappened?
headspeaker¡Estothat yeis salsalt!
headspeaker¡PritiPriti, tasyou are muivery cansadatired!
headspeakeryes, precisoI need másmore cafécoffee ¡conwith azucresugar, nonnot conwith salsalt!
Priti was so tired that…
  • …she fell asleep in the kitchen.
  • …she put salt in her coffee.
  • …she put her keys in her coffee.
Tap the pairs