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Bea'nın Evinde Bir Hafta Sonu
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speakerBea'nın Evindeat bea's house Bira Hafta Sonuweekend

speakerAliAli, hafta sonu boyuncaduring the weekend kız arkadaşıhis girlfriend Bea'nın evindeat Bea's house kalacakis going to stay.
headspeakerİlk defafor the first time seninyour evindeat your house kalacağımI'm going to stay. Ne heyecanlıhow exciting!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerEvetyes, çokvery eğlencelifun bira hafta sonuweekend olacakit's going to be.
headspeakerSenin hakkındaabout you çoklots of şeything öğreneceğimI will learn! Birlikte yaşamakliving together gibilike olacakit will be!
headspeakerNewhat?! Hayırno, seninlewith you yaşamayato live hazır değilimI'm not ready!
Oh no! Why is Bea nervous?
  • She doesn't want to live with her boyfriend yet.
  • Her boyfriend wants to break up.
  • She forgot to clean her apartment.
headspeakerSorun değilno problem, BeaBea.. Şakaydı sadeceit was just a joke.
headspeakerHeyhey, yatağınthe bed's sol tarafındaon its left side uyuyabilir miyimcan I sleep?
headspeakerBenI geneldeusually o taraftaon that side uyuyorumI sleep, amabut sorun değil no problem
Tap what you hear
headspeakerPerdelerithe curtains örtebilir miyimcan I close?
headspeakerGüneş ışığıthe sunlight benime hepalways uyandırırwakes up.
headspeakerSorun değilno problem, amabut benI hepalways gün doğumundaat sunrise uyanırım I wake up
Choose the option that means "at sunrise."
, ama ben uyanırım
headspeakerVeand o tabloyuthat painting duvardanfrom the wall indirir misincan you take down lütfenplease?
headspeakerNedenwhy? Çok güzel bir tabloit's a very beautiful painting. Kuzenimmy cousin çizdipainted (it).
headspeakerBiraz korkunç it's a little scary UyuyamayacağımI won't be able to sleep.
headspeakerAhoh, tamamOK.
What comes next?
speakerBeaBea tabloyuthe painting duvardanfrom the wall indirirtakes down.
  • yerdenfrom the floor
  • duvardanfrom the wall
  • kanepedenfrom the sofa
headspeakerAhoh! Diş fırçamımy toothbrush getirmeyito bring unuttumI forgot. Seninkiniyours kullanabilir miyimcan I use?
headspeakerDiş fırçamımy toothbrush (question particle)?! Asla olmazno way!
headspeakerHahaha ha! Senin hakkındaabout you çoka lot of şeything öğreniyorumI'm learning!
headspeakerEvetyes, veand benceI think bir oteldein a hotel kalsanif you stayed daha iyibetter olurit would be.
What did Bea learn about her boyfriend?
  • He loves scary paintings.
  • She doesn't want him to stay at her home.
  • She wants to live with him.
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