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speakerHundenThe dog

speakerEddyEddy ogand JuniorJunior spiserare eating iat parkenthe park.
headspeakerFarDad, jeg vil haveI want ena hunddog.
Junior and Eddy are eating in a restaurant.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJuniorJunior, det er ikke nemtit's not easy atto havehave ena hunddog.
headspeakerEnA hunddog skal needs to walk megeta lot.
headspeakerOgså migMe too!
headspeakerEnA hunddog skal legeneeds to play megeta lot.
According to Eddy, dogs need…
  • …to wear warm clothes in the winter.
  • …to walk and play a lot.
  • …to talk and drink a lot of water.
headspeakerOgså migMe too!
headspeakerOgAnd hundemaddog food eris dyrtexpensive.
headspeakerHundenThe dog kancan spiseeat minmy madfood!
Choose the option that means "can."
min !
headspeakerJuniorJunior, hvorwhere eris din hamburgeryour hamburger?
headspeakerOgAnd hvorwhere eris dit æbleyour apple?
speakerDer erThere is ena hunddog underunder bordetthe table.
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Hvorfor er derWhy is there ena hunddog underunder bordetthe table?
What does Eddy see under the table?
  • a cat
  • a pizza
  • a dog
headspeakerDet erIt's minmy venfriend!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHarDoes have hundenthe dog dinyour hamburgerhamburger?
headspeakerJaYes, at haveto have ena hunddog eris megetvery nemteasy, fardad.
Why does Junior think taking care of dogs is easy?
  • He's giving a dog his own food.
  • He already has many pet dogs at home.
  • He watches a lot of videos about dogs.
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