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Una famiglia molto grande
title image

speakerUnaa famiglia molto grandevery big family

speakerSalmaSalma va ais going to conoscere(to) meet la famiglia di AnnaAnna's family.
headAnnaAnna! La miamy figlia preferitafavorite daughter!
headspeakerHaha haha hahahaha Mammamom, haiyou have soloonly unaone figliadaughter!
Ana's mom has many daughters.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerQuestathis èis la miamy fidanzatagirlfriend, SalmaSalma.
Choose the option that means "girlfriend."
la mia , .
headspeakerBuongiornogood morning!
headspeakerSalmaSalma, questothis èis miomy fratellobrother, TommasoTomás!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEand questothis èis miomy nonnograndfather.
headspeakerBuongiornogood morning.
headspeakerQuestothis èis miomy padrefather, eand questothis èis miomy fratellobrother, GiulioGiulio!
headspeakerBuongiornogood morning! Ciaohello!
headspeakerQuestothis èis miomy fratellobrother, MarioMario, eand miomy fratellobrother, JavierJavier.
headspeakerCiaohello, MarioMario. Ciaohello, JavierJavier.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHaiyou have unaa famiglia molto grandevery big family!
headspeakerPeròbut io hoI have soloonly unaone figliadaughter
headspeakerScusasorry! Oranow, hoI have duetwo figliedaughters
headspeakerBenvenutawelcome nellato the famigliafamily, SalmaSalma!
headspeakerGraziethank you!
Why does Anna's mother say she has two daughters now?
  • She remembered that Anna has a sister.
  • She is welcoming Salma into the family.
  • She had a baby while Salma was there.
Tap the pairs